Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I’m pregnant?

There are several pregnancy symptoms that could lead you to suspect, but the only way to know for sure is by taking a pregnancy test and having an ultrasound performed. Northfield Women’s Center can offer both of these services for free in a confidential setting.

How much will my appointment cost?

Every service offered by Northfield Women’s Center is completely free of charge, so no matter your financial circumstances, you can get the quality care you deserve.

Can I bring someone with me?

You are always welcome to bring a supportive friend, family member, or your partner to an appointment with Northfield Women’s Center.

Can I be pregnant and have an STD?

Yes, it is possible to be pregnant and have an STD at the same time. We can test for the two most common STDs, Chlamydia and Gonnorhea, completely free of charge, as well as provide either treatment or a referral for treatment.

Will my insurance company know about my appointment?

There is no reason for your insurance company to learn about your appointment because there is no charge for any of the services we provide.

What if I don’t know my next steps?

We completely understand! Many girls and women come to us unsure of what they will do about their pregnancies. We offer a safe and comfortable place for you to get the care you need and learn about the resources available to help you through the decision-making process.

Still have questions?

Schedule an appointment with us today to get all of your questions answered in a confidential setting.


Call (507) 645-7638 to make your confidential appointment today.

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