The Northfield Women’s Center is pleased to announce its third year of sponsoring the Young Mom’s Support Group. Each week new mothers or expectant mothers gather for food and guided discussions about parenting and life skills.
“A baby changes things but it does not mean hopes and dreams are over,” said Jeanette Frahm,
a program facilitator at the group where participants range in age from 17 to 20 with children 2 years or younger. Expecting mothers are also welcome.
The program consists of group discussions, guest speakers, relationship guidelines, basic skill training, fun and games and occasional parties. Everyone’s favorite part is venting opportunities; which are always kept confidential. “It’s great to be with others who get my life,” said one
“I am blown away by the strength and dedication of these young single moms,” said Frahm.
“Currently four are in college and pursuing their dreams. The journey of life is not easy, but you don’t need to navigate it alone. I could not be prouder of them.”
The group meets Fridays from 5:30PM to 7:30PM at the Greenvale Apartments Community Room.
Dinner and childcare is provided free, coordinated through volunteers from several Northfield area churches.