What are you grateful for?

The act of expressing gratitude has become almost a lost art—it’s as if it has become a foreign language that Duolingo can’t even teach you. Why is this? A few observations that I have made from coaching clients from all walks of life is that there is something internal that is blocking gratefulness from freely … Continued

Be Fascinating

 I suppose we all want to be considered fascinating.  Fascinating people have passion, they amplify life and they have great stories to tell. As Jennie stated in class, they fully embrace life; they are fully engaged and are not just going through the motions. Here are just a few tips for becoming more fascinating: Every … Continued

5 Reasons you should get a Life Coach ASAP

I am sure by now that you have heard something about life coaching but I have encounter few people that actually know what authentic life coaching is so let me straighten out a few misconceptions. First of all, my name is Anna and I am the life coach that is on staff here at the Women’s … Continued

Hazards of too much Screen Time

Where would we be without our electronic devices? Our phones, computers and tablets have advanced our ability to stay connected, increase productivity and do business at speeds we never thought possible even 10 years ago. Along with all the good these devices have brought to our daily lives they have also set us back when … Continued

Moms Group Returns in May

The Northfield Women’s Center is excited to begin offering a once a month mom group again. It has been several years since the we have been able to facilitate an evening for moms to come together and share a meal. With the generosity of Allina’s Neighborhood Connection grant we are able to get the program … Continued

Support Group for Young Mothers Begins 3rd Year in Northfield

The Northfield Women’s Center is pleased to announce its third year of sponsoring the Young Mom’s Support Group. Each week new mothers or expectant mothers gather for food and guided discussions about parenting and life skills. “A baby changes things but it does not mean hopes and dreams are over,” said Jeanette Frahm, a program … Continued

Difficult Roads often

lead to Beautiful Destinations.